Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quote of the day on global poverty

[Schools] have a better record of fighting terrorism than missiles do and that wobbly governments can be buttressed not just with helicopter gunships but also with school lunch programs (at 25 cents per kid per day).

International security is where the money is, but fighting poverty is where the success is.
That is from Nicholas Kristof's column in the NY Times today, in the context of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.  The last few columns from Kristof have been of a flavor that is markedly different from many of previous ones.  I like this version of Kristof much better--and way less depressing!

Sometimes, I wonder if the UN is being slowly replaced by other efforts--the politics, and the bureaucracy, at the UN means that things can happen only very slowly, if they happen. Thus, now, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation appears to be a better catalyst for global health issues than the WHO.  The Clinton Global Initiative seems to deliver a lot on various fronts ...

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